Patrol Division
The Patrol Division consists of two 12-hour day shifts (Baker and Charlie Teams) and two 12-hour night shifts (Adam and David Teams). Each shift consists of a Patrol Officer, a Patrol Corporal and a Patrol Sergeant. Many of our patrol officers also hold multiple responsibilities such as DARE, K-9, Certified Safety Child Seat Experts, Certified Firearms and General Training Instructors, and the Governor’s Highway Safety Program, to name only a few. This division is commanded by Lt. K. D. Gallimore.
The King Police Department also has two well-trained police K-9s on patrol, Kimba and Xena.
Our patrol officers operate traditional black and white marked vehicles, and are uniformed in traditional navy blue. We are proud to share that our officers are equipped with body cameras purchased with a grant from the North Carolina Governor’s Crime Commission.