Educational Opportunities

The City of King offers numerous educational opportunities for students of all ages. King is proud of its excellent elementary, middle and high schools in the Stokes County School System. Public and private educational institutions in nearby communities have a diverse array of programs that provide options for every interest and learning level.

The following schools and Universities serve the City of King:

Public Schools:

King Elementary School Grades K-5 (336) 983-5824
Mount Olive Elementary School Grades K-5 (336) 983-4351
Chestnut Grove Middle School Grades 6-8 (336) 983-2106
South Stokes High School Grades 9-12 (336) 994-2995
West Stokes High School Grades 9-12 (336) 983-2099

Private Schools:

Calvary Christian School Grades K4-12 (336) 983-3743

Colleges and Universities:

Forsyth Technical Community College
NC School of the Arts
Salem Academy and College
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem State University
High Point University
University of North Carolina - Greensboro
Surry County Community College