The City Engineer is responsible for performing professional and administrative work under the general supervision of the City Manager. Supervision is exercised over Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Public Utilities and Water Treatment Plant personnel. Public Works consist of Public Buildings, Streets, Solid Waste and Storm Drainage. Public Utilities consist of Utility Inspections, Meter Reading, Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection. Typical tasks include:
- Preparing and reviewing plans and specifications for public works and utility construction;
- Contract administration for all projects;
- Overseeing the maintenance and repair of the City’s water and wastewater distribution and collection system, operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant, purchasing for departmental operations, preparation of official maps, plats and records and represents the City in dealing with state and federal regulatory agencies;
- Prepares cost estimates;
- Prepares, implements and monitors the operating budget;
- Planning, directing, coordinating and participating in street maintenance, parks and recreation program and any new construction.
Benjamin S. Marion
City of King
Engineering Department
P.O. Box 1132
King, NC 27021
(336) 983-8265 –Telephone
(336) 983-4675 - Fax