Yard Waste/ Yard Cart Pickup
The City sells yard carts at cost to pick up the following items:
• Grass clippings
• Twigs
• Vines
• Small Brush
• Flowers and garden waste
*Waste must fit in cart with lid closed*
The following items will NOT be picked up in yard waste carts:
• Household garbage
• Trash of any kind
• Bags of any kind
• Fruits
• Vegetables
Yard waste is mulched and therefore cannot be picked up if items other than those listed for pickup are in the cart.
Yard carts will be picked up every Wednesday and must be curbside by 7:00 a.m. The schedule may be altered on account of weather, holidays, or vehicle maintenance.
A yard waste cart permit is required annually for this service. Permits are $50 per cart per year (July 1 through June 30) and are issued as a sticker that must be placed on each cart to be serviced.
City residents may purchase up to two (2) yard carts by calling 336-983-4832 Monday - Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Residents are responsible for the maintenance, repair & replacement of carts.
Should you, as a resident of the City of King, ever have questions about your leaf pickup, please call the City of King Public Works Department at 336-983-4832, Monday - Friday 8am-4pm.