
City of King’s Development Plan

The city embarked on a development plan in April of 1987 entitled “The City of King – Comprehensive Community Development Guide” which was a ten year plan for growth, land use, transportation, education and economic development. In 1997 the city revised this plan with “Steps” which built upon the original development plan and extended the plan another five to seven years. Great effort was given by the citizen’s task groups to provide an outline for our community.


Thoroughfare Plan

The city adopted its first thoroughfare plan in August of 1986 and updated this plan in October of 1999. This plan was projected out for 25 years. In 2008, King joined the Winston-Salem MPO for transportation planning. King's Transportation Plan

Recreation Master Plan

The city adopted its first recreation master plan in December 2002. This details the improvements to our two main parks, Recreation Acres and Central Park, and our three mini parks, Grandview, North Hampton and Northridge, and a comprehensive multipurpose trail system linking the major pedestrian centers with our parks.

Water & Sewer Report

The city commissioned its engineer in 1997 to review on all the cities utilities. This report is used in supporting future land use issues in our utilities district. Our water system cover most of south western Stokes County a small portion of south eastern Surry County and a portion of north western Forsyth County. The system serves some 7,200 customers. Our sewer system serves mostly city residence with a small portion of the system serving Stokes County. The system discharges into Winston-Salem for treatment. The sewer system currently serves approximately 2,200 customers.

GIS & Mapping

The city currently is working on establishing a working GIS department. You can access the City of King's GIS site by clicking here and Stokes County’s GIS site by clicking here.


The City of King as of the 2000 census has a population of 6,900 and was ranked as the 107th largest city in North Carolina. The city experienced a 16% growth over the last nine years. Click here to see additional information regarding the 2000 census.

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