
Zoning Process


The first step in requesting a rezoning, conditional use permit, special exception permit, watershed review, variances, or a major subdivision plat review is to submit a completed zoning application, pay the fee, and submit maps/drawings if applicable. This must be done by the first Monday of each month. The meetings are held the 4th Monday of each month (planning board) and the 1st Monday of each month (city council). The planning board will make a recommendation to city council after conducting a public hearing, the exception being major plat reviews and special exception permits were the planning board makes the final decision. Then the city council takes action on the request at their meeting after a public hearing. Any appeals to a council decision must be made within 30 days to superior court.

Zoning Enforcement

The city operates on a complaint driven enforcement system. If a resident of the city or the ETJ feels that a zoning violation is or has occurred he or she should contact the planning department either by e-mail, phone or in person and report the suspected violation. The city will then investigate the complaint to see if just cause for a citation is merited. The city typically issues a warning citation to the offender and they have 30 days to respond to the citation. If no progress is made then a civil citation can be issued and the offender has 15 additional days to comply and must pay a $50 fine. If this does not work then a subsequent civil citation is issued and the offender is subjected to a $50/day fine and legal action.

City of King Zoning Ordinance

The city's zoning ordinance, adopted in 1985 and amended from time to time, gives the city's developmental regulation. In 1997 the city codified its ordinances into one code of ordinances. Zoning now occupies chapter 32 of this code. Click here to view our codes online. Use the search option to find the appropriate chapter and section.

Subdivision Regulations

The city's subdivision regulations were adopted in 1985 and now can be found in chapter 26 of the code of ordinances. Our subdivision regulations apply to single lot subdivisions through multi-lot subdivisions with the exceptions of those exempted by state law. See Chapter 26 of the City's Codified Ordinance.
Watershed Regulations

The city has one WS-IV watershed overlay district. This overlay district can be found in Chapter 32 of the zoning ordinance in sec. 32-271.

Flood Zones (FEMA)

The city’s flood ordinance was adopted in 1988 and is found in chapter 14 of the code of ordinances. Flood maps are available at the FEMA web site. Census Tracts

You can find census maps here.

Click here for our brochures

NC Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP)

North Carolina Flood Risk Information System